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UnPack Your Emotional Baggage
Resource Section: General Housekeeping and Bonus Material
How and When to Join a Group Call
Audio Call Recordings
Welcome Week
Module 1 Recording: The Art of Self Kindness
Module 2 Recording: Why do I weigh (insert current weight)?
Welcome! Here's Where we are going
Welcome! This is where we are going! (10:59)
Feelings Wheel (2:23)
Inside Out Truths (3:03)
Permission Slips (2:14)
The Truth I Know About My World (4:57)
The Art of Self Kindness
The Art of Self Kindness: Preparing your inner mean girl to retire
A Letter to My Past Self (3:52)
Self-Appreciation Worksheet (2:45)
Daily Accomplishment Tracker (4:06)
Why Do I Weigh (current Weight)?
Why do I weigh (insert current weight)? Your weight stories (3:00)
Your Weight Stories (1:59)
Unfelt Emotions (3:16)
Practiced Thought (3:15)
Your Resilient Mind (2:45)
Separating Fact from Story
The Anatomy of Stories (2:57)
Meet Your Drama Queen (2:57)
Sorting Thru Your Stories (2:51)
Knowing Your Patterns (4:25)
What are Your Themes (4:25)
Connecting to Your Body
Connecting to Your body: How to Feel the Sensation of Emotion (2:11)
How did I get so disconnected? (3:39)
What if my body is BROKEN? (1:45)
Golden Rule of YOU (2:04)
What Solution Do You Want?
What solution do I want: Start at the end and connect to the process
Naming Your Solution (2:03)
The Anatomy of Trust (1:45)
What Kind of Thinker are you? (2:25)
Teach Yourself to be a Growth Thinker (1:19)
Joy! Mandatory for long term success
Joy! Mandatory for long term success (1:43)
The Rules of Joy (1:59)
Your Joy LIst (1:45)
Joy and Gratitude
Knowing Your Patterns
Module 3 Separating Fact from Story.pdf
Module 3 Separating Fact from Story.pdf
HELL YES! List.pdf
HELL YES! List.pdf
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